
By William Shakespeare, directed by Calum Grant

22nd – 24th November 2012

This production of ‘The Scottish Play’ transferred the action of Shakespeare’s classic tale to 1918 and the end of The Great War. The setting was simple but effective with costume and projection being used to give the time setting. The stark white set allowed for the lighting to set the mood for this dark and bloody tale.

The director, Calum Grant, says ‘The setting needs to fit with the story and the themes you want to pull out of the text. The main thing I wanted to bring out of the play was the humanity of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in contrast to the evil spirits that are the witches. This was done by making the witches much larger parts. The witches became Macbeth’s servants and were a vital part in all murders. This allowed the lead actors (Andrew Morrison & Ellen Kirkman) and myself to work on the humanity of the Macbeths. By making the witches the driving force behind the crimes allowed us to concentrate on the effect the crimes have upon Lady Macbeth and Macbeth.’