By Tom Stoppard directed by Gill Morrell
November 2019
Some feedback from our audience.
We would like to say thank you for such a splendid Arcadia production. It was fascinating and engaging. Clever and witty but also sad and thought provoking. I say Arcadia because it is the most recent production we have seen. We enjoy all your performances and often come away saying how delighted we would be if we had seen that in Bath, Bristol or London. It is a tribute to your hard work and the talent and commitment of the actors. We look forward to your next production.
Well Tony and I enjoyed it very much. He hadn’t seen it before, but I know the play and for me it was a joy to be able to understand it all at last. I played Lady Croome in London 20 years ago and when you’re in it you tend only to see the half you’re in. Suddenly everything fell into place. I love Stoppard!
I thought the production was excellent and the performances strong and clear – especially you Giles of course! And very strong principals throughout the cast.
Interested to see that Gill Morrell directed it as I associated her more with Shakespeare Live. She’s very good.
I just wanted to congratulate you on your direction of the above. A group of us went last night and thoroughly enjoyed it and, at last, the text made sense. You had some wonderful actors and the simplest of sets but arresting. I loved the floor but thank you “My Fair Lady”.
The music was most apposite. And Plautus? well, Plautus is there- all the time.
Thoroughly enjoyed Arcadia yesterday evening. Such a classy production. Great night out for us all. Thanks, and congrats to all of you.